“The story of Vesco has now been written by Robert A. Hutchison. It is good. One is braced for a rush job: Hutchison has been painstaking in his research. He also writes well with just the right note of contempt for all concerned…
“Hutchison is an honest man. He knows that Vesco is a lousy character with lousy friends – a child of his particular time. He does not try to make him otherwise.”
Vesco and the Joy of Swindling, by John Kenneth Galbraith, New York Magazine, 5 November 1974
“Hutchison really does seem to know what he is talking about. The quality of his achievement and the difficulties of this type of business investigation should not be underestimated. What we might term aggressive investigative journalism in the business world is rare, partly because most journalists are not trained accountants and partly because corporate secrecy, particularly in Europe, can be totally impossible to penetrate.”
Million Dollar Yeggs, by Alexander Cockburn, New York Review of Books, 20 March 1975
“What Hutchison presents in Vesco is a heavily documented indictment of the footloose financier and his friends.… Hutchison’s Vesco is an egomaniac, a driven character who used fear and his own bent brilliance to rise to a station above that of his father who spent his life in a blue collar as a Detroit auto worker.
“…The Vesco story is one of the most fantastic of our time.… He has done an incredible job of research.” He took the money and away he ran, by John F. Barry, Business Week, 16 November 1974